Mery Nasilyan
Summary of the key points to be included in the website of featured alums
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- University(ies) and program/faculty before AUA
Yerevan State Linguistic University, Department of Foreign Languages
BA in Linguistics and Pedagogy
- AUA MA TEFL program and the year of graduation
American University of Armenia
MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Class of 2012
- Further studies
University of Oxford, Department of Education, MSc. in Education (Learning and Technology), 2014-2015
- Current employment
Chief Relationship Manager at DeedMob NGO, Oxford UK
Teaching Assistant in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, AUA, Yerevan Armenia
- Bullet list of 2-3 noteworthy prior job positions
Teaching and Research Assistant at AUA
English Language Instructor at AUA Extension
Media Consultant at Asda House, Leeds UK
Nursery Assistant at ‘Kangacrew’ Childcare Solutions, Oxford UK
- Notable achievements
Organizer of the 1st Student research conference at AUA
Founder of School Education Program of Batumi Raptor Count,
Member of the founding team of DeedMob online platform in Oxford
- MA TEFL capstone
Teaching the Study of Raptors: Environmental Education School Curriculum
Content-based learning
- Bullet list of 2-3 other notable achievements (awards, grants, publications, presentations)
Scholarships and grants: Luys Foundation, Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation AGBU, Akian Scholarship, Armenian Educational Foundation, Garmery Foundation Publications: Environmental Education School Curriculum, Batumi Birding, BRC 2012
Presentations: Presenter at TESOL Arabia 2014, Dubai UAE
- Professional interests (2-3 key areas)
New technologies in education, virtual learning environments, second language acquisition, learning analytics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, conservation studies, environmental education
- How has the MA TEFL program impacted your career? Key takeaways from the MA TEFL program. (Limit your response to 70 words)
Teaching has always been my ultimate career goal and I could reach the realization of my sense and strive to teach when I got admitted to the MA TEFL program. The program empowered me to be confident about my career path and be in constant search for knowledge. I was guided by the professors who were always there to give, share and inspire. After graduating, I worked as an English Language Instructor and was confident to enter a class as a teacher.
- List 2-3 most important tips to potential MA TEFL applicants and/or MA TEFL students
Courage, motivation and passion for teaching