
Capstone Project Presentations

The Master’s Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the American University of Armenia is proud to announce that Lusine Sargsyan, Rima Gevorgyan and Varduhi Movsisyan will be presenting their final Capstone Projects:

On April 17, Friday
At 14:00
In Room 133W Paramaz Avedisian Building, 40 Marshall Bagramyan Ave.

Below are the titles and abstracts of their projects:

Student’s name: Lusine Sargsyan
Capstone Title: Building English Language Community and Communication at the Women’s Resource Center Armenia


The current course design project presents a community language-learning mоdel for women attending Women’s Resource Center Armenia (WRCA). The course is aimed at developing students’ four language skills, self-directed learning strategies as well as bringing them together in strong, untied community. The deliverables of the project include a detailed syllabus with course description, schedule, goals and objectives, assessment plan and grading rubrics for the course assignments, as well as twenty lesson plans with all the teaching material. The course was piloted with low-intermediate students in WRCA, whose age ranged from 45-65. The course evaluation results claimed that it was a successful course, and met the course goals and objectives.

Student’s name: Rima Gevorgyan
Capstone Title: Exploring Women’s Perspectives of the World through English


The design project entitled “Exploring Women’s Perspectives of the World through English” is a ten week communicative course aimed at developing and enhancing speaking, listening and vocabulary skills to foster effective communication. The course was designed on the model of Community Based Language Learning and Adult Learning Theory. The project provides deliverables with syllabus, assessment plan and rubrics as well as 20 lesson plans with teaching materials.
The current course was designed for women with language proficiency ranging from low to high intermediate. The course was piloted at the Women’s Resource Center of Armenia (WRCA). At the end of the course the students were assessed through an achievement test which indicated language and content development in the covered topics. The course evaluation was carried out both orally and through questionnaire completed by the students. The evaluation results revealed that the course was successfully piloted and met the expected outcomes.

Student’s name: Varduhi Movsisyan
Capstone Title: Developing 21st Century Skills through EFL


The requirements of a 21st century classroom greatly differ from those of the 20th century. The result of globalization and technological modernization is that the world has become “flatter”, which means that the “Three Rs” (reading, writing, arithmetic) alone are not sufficient for a 21st century learner. The job market nowadays is mainly focused on the ability of a student to think critically and act creatively, as well as collaborate with people of different cultural backgrounds.
The purpose of this innovative course is to integrate the “Four C” skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity) with teaching English to young learners, so as to help them to be successful in the future and to have competitive skills and knowledge for social success and long-term wellbeing. The two principle teaching and learning approaches for the course are Communicative Language Teaching and Project-Based Learning.

Please join us to support Lusine Sargsyan, Rima Gevorgyan and Varduhi Movsisyan on this important day, and learn more about the work of our graduate students.

This is a public event. Please feel free to circulate this announcement among your friends and colleagues.

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